Title: Untitled (outtakes)
Year: 2017
Medium: HD Video (Color/Sound)
Length: 5min 58sec

What is a film that is shot after everything has been filmed? One of the answers may be “There is no need to film anymore. The only remaining problem is how to re-edit extant films and to grant new meanings to them"--the idea forming the premise for the use of found footage. However, what the present that tends to be privileged when excavating buried pasts is, remains a question. This short piece, which uses outtakes from previous works as material, starts with a narration taken from an extant documentary tv program telling the relationship between the invention of the movie camera
and World War I, including the phrase "At the present day, all things are instantly filmed." The fluent speech contrasts with various fragments of movement cut midway without being completed. What is revealed is a void-like past that does not connect to the present, resembling a stratal discordance.
